Monday, June 10, 2013

Corpus Christi Sunday & Youth Encounter in La Ceiba

The Cathedral Parish of San Isidro celebrated Corpus Christi Sunday with a Procession with the Blessed Sacrament through the Streets of La Ceiba, and a special Mass in the Cathedral with the bishop, followed by a Holy Hour in union with the many Catholics throughout the world who participated in the joint Eucharistic Adoration called for by Pope Francis. We put together a short video with photos and clips from the day. Hope you enjoy it!

Corpus Christi Sunday was also the occasion for a parish-wide youth encounter marking the beginning of June, the Month of Youth. The youth participated in the procession and Mass, and wore white shirts with gold sashes in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. Three lay Missioners of Christ came to help with the day, including musician Wilmer Hernandez. The above video features the song Wilmer wrote for the Year of Faith, "Celebremos la Fe (Let's Celebrate Our Faith)" which won the national competition for the theme song for the Month of Youth. Wilmer received formation in our youth programs in Comayagua and has collaborated extensively in our evangelization efforts. 

1 comment:

  1. Hola Padre, me alegra ver todo lo que sigue haciendo en el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesus, que Dios le siga dando fortaleza fisica y espiritual para continuar con esta Misions.maynor
