Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Travelling in Torit - Another Full Weekend!
This past weekend, October 22-23, was another one full of activity for us. On Saturday morning a small number of youth gathered (though the number grew as we began to move) to visit the home of one of our former members. We wound our way through the back streets and paths that weave between bamboo fenced compounds of multiple tukuls (huts) to arrive at our destination. It was a beautiful day, but hot! Which left me all the more impressed at the mobility of Joseph, above, who walks with amazing dexterity assisted by crutches.
The home we visited was a good way outside of town. Maynor and I continued even further out to the Torit offices of AVSI (Association of International Volunteers), and NGO (non-goverhmental organization) connected with the Catholic movement, Communion and Liberation (CL). That's why we decided to travel back into town via "boda-boda," i.e. motorcycle taxi. Maynor can be a little sneaky at times. He recorded this video without my being aware. Apart from the bumpy roads, the reason why it's so shaky is that he's riding on a boda-boda, too.
We met with a larger group of the youth that afternoon. The next morning we were off again early, this time into the mountains to the village of Katire, where I often celebrated Mass when I was living here. We were even able to use our former vehicle, the Mary Mobile, which almost seemed to know the way by heart.
We were once again overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of the mountains, now at the end of the rainy season in their lushest and most verdant foliage.
It was also encouraging to see the signs of development along the way, including a new school, railings on bridges, and the new Payam (District) Administrator's office under construction (below) near the center of Katire village.
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